[mdr-users] Attribute assignment validation
Viviana Cerrutti
2007-11-21 18:32:27 UTC

I need to do some checking on some attributes i assigned to my mof
classes. For example, i have a class named Project. I created a datatype
named Date with an alias stereotype for Primitives.Long. Project has an
attribute of this type.

I want to implement something that whenever i set an attribute of type
Date, like:

ProjectClass pClass = metaPackage.getProject();
Project p = pClass.createProject();

i can validate the value i am assigning (in this case i should raise an
exception, since 1 is not a valid date).

I know i can implement the method setDate in ProjectImpl, but i want to
know if i can generalize it to the dataType and not the attribute in the

I read something about some methods:
protected void _interceptPreSet(String featureName, Object newValue) {
protected void _interceptPostSet(boolean fail) {

But i don't know if this solves my problem, in fact, i don't know how
to use this infomation at all.

Any hints?



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